Logo isn't the first auto marketplace, we're just the first to build an experience without all the noise and nonsense. aims to disrupt the outdated and broken auto shopping experience and build confidence between the consumers and dealerships.

Our mission is simple: connect consumers with the perfect truck, SUV or van quickly. No more ads, unnecessary chat-bots, broken filters, limited search capabilities and web pages that are not flexible on a mobile device.

Over the past few years, consumer habits within the automotive space have shifted rapidly and were compounded by the pandemic. These shifts have driven a massive rise in truck and SUV demand. In fact, JD Power reported in 2023 that 84% of all passenger vehicles purchased in North America were either a passenger truck or SUV.

By Introducing “Enthusiast Mode”, enhances the experience of these consumer shifts. “Enthusiast Mode” allows consumers to start a search or build by passenger capacity, towing capabilities, fuel type, off road capabilities and more. Gone are the days of getting down to one vehicle and then starting over.

Welcome to “Enthusiast Mode”!

With the power of social media, the recent changing environment of search engines, chat GPT and Web 3.0, we are in the perfect environment for disruption.

Welcome to the first marketplace to offer automotive dealerships an environment that connects the vehicles to the consumers in the process of shopping or building trucks, SUVs or vans.

Thank you for visiting and we look forward to having you on this journey with us.

Matt Brown
